For example, as a Grass-type Pokemon, Chesnaught would normally be weak to Fire-type attacks. This can give Pokemon a strategic advantage in battle they might not otherwise have. Tera types are a new introduction to the Pokemon franchise, and allow a player to change their Pokemon's type, provided the Tera Orb is charged. A player can change a Pokemon's Tera type using Tera Shards, but it can be a lot of work trying to obtain the number required! Of course, a Chesnaught imported from Pokemon Home would presumably have a Grass Tera Type, so players that want to mix up their strategies might also be happy to have these opportunities. Full Pokemon Home compatibility still hasn't come to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, so these 7-Star Raid events remain the only way to obtain some fan favorites. Chespin is one of three starter Pokemon made available in Kalos, alongside Fennekin and Froakie. Chesnaught is a Grass and Fighting-type that first appeared in Pokemon X and Y.