This is something that is so often lacking in PC and console games. The basic idea is to select a team of three heroes, jump into matching and quickly find an opponent who is suitable for your level.

Mikhail Dragovalovskiy: Shadow Fight Arena is a fighting game with classic controls and real-time PvP on iOS and Android. : Can you start off by telling us about Shadow Fight Arena?

This week, we spoke to Banzai Games producer Mikhail Dragovalovskiy surrounding the development Shadow Fight Arena, the latest fighting title from the studio. To highlight all of the extensive work that often goes on unseen in the background, is reaching out to developers to learn more about the general rigmarole of releasing a video game, with our ' Making Of' series. And in the current mobile and handheld games market, that's only the first step to making the title succeed. No matter the size of the game or how long it ultimately takes to make, each new title involves a lot of hard work, tough decisions, and a little bit of luck before it even gets out the door and onto devices. The process of creating a game is difficult, long, and often stressful, but it's one that can reap many rewards alongside actually seeing your ideas come to life.